Essential email marketing metrics by Chase Dimond
For Chase, the world of email marketing is a vast ocean of data and metrics, but it’s not about getting lost in the waves – it’s about knowing which ones to ride. If you were to dive into his recent Twitter thread, you’d quickly gather that for this $100M Email Marketer, it's not about tracking every metric but about focusing on the ones that truly matter. That's the gateway metric. It determines the initial success of your email, hinting at the potency of your subject line and preview text. A strong open rate is a sign you've grabbed attention, but it's only the beginning.
Why they're important
Open rate gauges initial email success, hinting at engaging subject lines. Conversion and click-through rates indicate both interest and action, reflecting effective content and CTAs. Metrics like bounce and unsubscribe rates act as health checks for list quality and content relevance. Meanwhile, revenue per subscriber and average order value reveal the ROI and value of each subscriber in the campaign.